If you read my last blog post you'll know that I went to Nashville earlier this week. After a long eight hour drive home yesterday I am currently sitting in my Pj's ready to tell you all about it.
Monday it was my Dad's birthday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! I also had a photo shoot with the beautiful and talented Goldy Locks. We had a BLAST. It was overcast and rainy but that didn't stop us. We shot at several locations in town. Between people stopping to look at us, the occasional photobomb, and random downfalls of rain I think we got some amazing shots. I can't wait to be able to share them. Goldy also said that I reminded her of a young Stevie Nicks which made my day. :D
(Fun fact: I did my hair and makeup for the shoot.)
The next day we woke up early and went to a meeting. After that, I had my vocal lesson with Brett Manning. That was the most fun vocal lesson I have ever had. The guy is a genius. Not only did I learn a lot about my voice, but I learned a lot about stuff in general. I mean, the guy is literally a genius. Wanna know how to escape a Python's tight grip? Ask Brett. Apparently, they have sensitive skin so you tickle their belly. Wanna know about a part of your brain that you only use when you're praying? Ask Brett. He'll have to explain that one for you haha. Wanna know what bird shouldn't scientifically be able to fly? Ask Brett. He really likes humming birds. You probably get the picture. If you were wondering, I did in fact learn a lot about my vocals, but I payed good money for that so you guys will have to check him out yourselves haha. ;)
All in all, it was a great trip. I didn't have time to go to any live performances, but there is always next time. Just so you know, I have some gigs coming up so check out my website http://www.carsonhillmusic.com so you don't miss them! Make sure you follow me on all of my social media sites too in case I book some last minute shows. I love you guys! I'm currently working on some surprises for you all so keep checking back here every once in a while. :)
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